2025 Annual Meeting Planning Committee

The PainConnect 2025 Planning Committee brings together leading experts and passionate advocates in pain management, working tirelessly to craft a program that addresses the diverse needs of healthcare professionals.

With a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and cutting-edge approaches, our committee members are at the forefront of advancing patient-centered pain care.


Amitabh Gulati, MD

PainConnect Chair

Meredith Barad, MD

PainConnect Co-Chair

David Copenhaver, MD, MPH

PainConnect Co-Chair

Jeremy Adler

Advance Practice
Provider Course

Tim Furnish, MD

Education & CME
Oversight Review

Jon Lee, MD

Emergency Medicine/
Acute Pain Course

Paul DeJulio, MD

Emergency Medicine/
Acute Pain Course

Traci Speed, MD, PhD

of Pain Course

Trent Emerick, MD, MBA

of Pain Course

Beth Hogans, MD

Scientific Poster
Abstracts & Flash Talks

Kara Segna, MD

Scientific Poster
Abstracts & Flash Talks

Salman Hirani, MD

Innovation & AAPM + MIT Hacking Medicine Innovation Challenge

Brian Mayrsohn, MD

Innovation & AAPM + MIT Hacking Medicine Innovation Challenge