Preconference Workshops and Special Events
SPECIAL EVENTS – No ticket required!
1. Opening Night Reception – Friday night 5:15 to 6:30 p.m.
- Join the planning committee co-chairs as they open the meeting and exhibition hall. There will be food and drink and a few surprises to get the meeting started.
2. AAPM Innovation Challenge – Friday night 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.
- Chairs: Salman Hirani, MD; Christina Le-Short; MD, Rajat Moman MD
The 2022 AAPM Innovation Challenge seeks to identify aspiring healthcare entrepreneurs, startups, researchers and teams with solutions and technologies aimed at improving the lives of people living with pain across all specialties and fields of medicine, and provide them with the opportunity to pitch their ideas and solutions in a “shark tank” style competition in front of patients, providers, institutional and industry leaders, venture capital firms, and more for a chance to win prizes, mentorship, and exposure to advance their innovations.
This is the first pitch competition of its kind to be presented by one of the world’s leading pain medicine organizations: The American Academy of Pain Medicine. Combined with the resources and support of the world’s most prestigious healthcare innovation group, MIT Hacking Medicine, this opportunity is not to be missed!